Today, the fund holds securities of over 50M NIS according to official, senior appraisals offices who were audited by the fund accountants and conducted by the legal department of the fund.
The securities’ quality is always of first degree and is directly related to the enslaved assets. The Investment policy is such that the credit does not exceed half of the security value. Therefore, the external obligation is less than NIS 19 million. As of today, the funds LTV ratio is 0.254%
A first mortgage is not the mortgage on a borrower´s first home; it is the original mortgage taken on any one property.
It also called First Lien.
We never take mortgage on the home the borrower live with his family !!
The fund guarantee the investors a yearly yield of 6%,
The investment is for a period of 3-5 years, while request of liquidation can be generated with a 6-months notice.
The interest on the investment will be paid to investors on an ongoing basis in local currency. The initial investment can be returned the same way and currency you paid in.
We can hedge the initial Investment, so there is zero foreign exchange risk.
The Fund recently agreed to accept the participation of new investors to enlarge the Investment Value of the BH fund. Any Investor will be assured with the warranties that the Fund has. The LTV will never be more then 50%. This makes BH a real AAA Fund
10 Mill NIS wich is about 2.500.000 Euro
6 % per annum on the investment
No risk investment due to LTV less then 50% of the value
No currency risk due to currency hedging
periodical every 3 month. Can be also one time payment per request
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